Friday, January 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Shelley!!!

Today I want to pay tribute to my wonderful, precious
daughter by writing a poem for her on her Birthday.
Dear Shelley:
I remember it well, the day we got called,
That you were available, with excitement I bawled,
Our adoption was becoming a reality,
You would be ours, and there wasn't any fee.
To family & friends birth announcements were sent,
(We hadn't told anyone, for we could hardly pay the rent,)
We were afraid of the comments, others might make,
And had decided no matter what, our chances we'd take.
You were such a dear and wonderful child,
Even teenage years were relatively mild,
You've grown up and married and blessed us some more
With grandchild, after grandchild and now we have four.
Just want you to know what a blessing you've been,
You've been there for me through thick & thin,
Can't imagine where I'd be without you today,
I thank God He chose you for us, EVERYDAY!
And to your biological mother I say,
The most unselfish act you committed that day,
Forever, grateful to you I'll be,
Thanks for helping complete our family.


shelley said...

Thanks mom, I love you!

Anonymous said...

Too beautiful for words...awesome Mart....L

it's a gong show... said...

Awesome poem Tante Mart! I am so thankful too that God sent her to us...


Crystal said...

Great tribute to a wonderful person. She is an awesome mother, wife, sister and friend, and we are all very blessed that she's part of our family.


Anonymous said...

that is so beautiful.
weepy eyes...

God willing i'll write a poem like that some day :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, the poem is much too lovely. Happy belated birthday to Shelley.

My daughter and son-in-law are adopting a baby, and the due date is the end of May. I eagerly await the birth. They have waited almost 14 years to have a child.

I feel the love you have for your daughter, so strongly.

Martha said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. That is SOOO exciting that your daughter & son-in-law are adopting. Wow! 14 years is a long wait. All the best to all of you!