Sunday, January 14, 2007

Bitter or Better?

My nephew is in Germany having back surgery. The night before he and his wife left, I had emailed them a 2-sentence email telling them we wished them well and that we'd be praying for them. You never realize what a short word of encouragement to someone else can do. I received an email back thanking us and telling us how that encouraged them. Ev went on to say how we had been through so much and how because of that we were such an encouragement to others. I have pondered this for a few days and have come to the conclusion that all the things we go through in life can make us either "bitter or better". I know I have had to deal with the "bitter" many times, before I can show the "better" (and still do). But it is true, all the hardships in life can make you a more compassionate, better person if you allow it to. So often, I don't act upon the thoughts that cross my mind like I should call so-and-so when I know they are going through hardships. This certainly affirms to me that I should be doing more of it. So, it's kind of funny but when you encourage someone else, they in turn encourage you. Let's keep on encouraging one another!


Anonymous said...

Amen sister....L

Crystal said...

Auntie Mart, you are so right. Whether it's an encouraging word or doing a good deed for someone, you are always rewarded. When I feel crappy, nothing makes me feel better than doing something for someone else. We all have our struggles and crosses to's how we handle it that truly shows what we're made of. A little kindness goes a long way.

it's a gong show... said...

Excellent post Tante Mart...we all have so much to give if we would just take the time. You are an awesome example to all of have been through so much and yet you still have so much faith.

Love ya,

Martha said...

B- that was a nice comment but I'm not really that strong myself. Okay, when things are going well, it's easy to have faith but when bad things happens, I do my share of questioning God, believe me! I'm just glad He is big enough to handle it!

Anonymous said... true!!!

shelley said...

nice post mom.