This week we are "bonding" with our 4 grandchildren. Mom & dad went on a well deserved holiday. (I realize more than ever how that break is needed with 4 children!) Anyway, things have gone fairly smooth except for a few outbursts from our drama queen. (Won't mention any names of course). Yesturday morning I "ruined her day" as she put it, because I opened the wrong zipper on her lunchkit. (Only 1 zipper works & I didn't KNOW this). After her little yelling fest grandpa CALMLY told her to go in his office so he could talk to her. He very gently told her that yelling at grandma wasn't acceptable and who knows what else. (Took me back to the days when he would discipline our own children. He used to explain for half an hour before handing out the discipline. Drove me crazy!) Anyway all was settled and she was getting her parka on for school when she suddenly started SOBBING! I said what's wrong now and she said "He broke my heart"! I'm looking for artwork or whatever that grandpa might have wrecked and finally I said, " What are you talking about?" Holding her heart she sobbed, Grandpa broke my heart cause he yelled at me! Hollywood look out! (ONLY 3 MORE SLEEPS BUT WHO'S COUNTING?)
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Bitter or Better?
My nephew is in Germany having back surgery. The night before he and his wife left, I had emailed them a 2-sentence email telling them we wished them well and that we'd be praying for them. You never realize what a short word of encouragement to someone else can do. I received an email back thanking us and telling us how that encouraged them. Ev went on to say how we had been through so much and how because of that we were such an encouragement to others. I have pondered this for a few days and have come to the conclusion that all the things we go through in life can make us either "bitter or better". I know I have had to deal with the "bitter" many times, before I can show the "better" (and still do). But it is true, all the hardships in life can make you a more compassionate, better person if you allow it to. So often, I don't act upon the thoughts that cross my mind like I should call so-and-so when I know they are going through hardships. This certainly affirms to me that I should be doing more of it. So, it's kind of funny but when you encourage someone else, they in turn encourage you. Let's keep on encouraging one another!
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Another Bad Dream!!
For those of you who know me, you know that I am the world's most reknowned dreamer. In a week's time I will be babysitting my 4 grandchildren for a week. (That's not a dream). Last night I dreamt I not only had THEM for a week but also my nephew's 3 kids. It was a nightmare! I was trying to get them all ready for school and had nothing in the fridge to make lunches with. There was no lunch meat, no fruit no nothing! Finally, after all of them complained about anything I offered, I announced it would be peanut butter or cheezewhiz. Take it or leave it! I'd had it.
Anyway then Emma disappeared and I couldn't find her. She took off for school on bike by herself and I was petrified because she was new to our school and would get lost etc. Then I found out I missed making a lunch for Willie. Finally, I got all the lunches made and proceeded to get myself ready for work but couldn't find my clothes. While in my bedroom hunting for my clothes I came across a bunch of groceries that I had forgot to unpack. Bananas, oranges, apples, you name it.
And I wonder why I wake up tired in the morning? And my dentist wonders why I clench my teeth at night? I think this explains it all!
Friday, January 5, 2007
Happy Birthday Shelley!!!
daughter by writing a poem for her on her Birthday.
Dear Shelley:
I remember it well, the day we got called,
That you were available, with excitement I bawled,
Our adoption was becoming a reality,
You would be ours, and there wasn't any fee.
To family & friends birth announcements were sent,
(We hadn't told anyone, for we could hardly pay the rent,)
We were afraid of the comments, others might make,
And had decided no matter what, our chances we'd take.
You were such a dear and wonderful child,
Even teenage years were relatively mild,
You've grown up and married and blessed us some more
With grandchild, after grandchild and now we have four.
I remember it well, the day we got called,
That you were available, with excitement I bawled,
Our adoption was becoming a reality,
You would be ours, and there wasn't any fee.
To family & friends birth announcements were sent,
(We hadn't told anyone, for we could hardly pay the rent,)
We were afraid of the comments, others might make,
And had decided no matter what, our chances we'd take.
You were such a dear and wonderful child,
Even teenage years were relatively mild,
You've grown up and married and blessed us some more
With grandchild, after grandchild and now we have four.
Just want you to know what a blessing you've been,
You've been there for me through thick & thin,
Can't imagine where I'd be without you today,
I thank God He chose you for us, EVERYDAY!
And to your biological mother I say,
The most unselfish act you committed that day,
Forever, grateful to you I'll be,
Thanks for helping complete our family.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Oh, the Joys of Tanning Beds!!

(Do I really want to looke like this? ----->)
There is only one reason I use a tanning bed. I am a pale faced Mennonite that's allergic to the sun and I'm going to Mexico. SOOO... if I don't want to be wearing 100% sunblock, and sitting in the shade with all body parts covered for 2 weeks, I HAVE to pre-tan. I'm going for my first session today and I find it quite a gruesome experience to say the least. It takes all the courage I can muster to actually close the lid on that bed completely. I'm a little claustrophobic and feel like I'm closing the lid on my coffin! And really, how sanitary are those beds? If the guy ahead of you comes out of the room with long, greasy hair, face full of sitz, and wearing not -so-clean -looking clothes, one can only wonder when he had his last bath. It sort of takes away any desire you might have had! And really, is that spray they use gonna kill ALL germs? And then there's the medical unhealthy skin-cancer causing side of it. Ya gotta it really worth it????
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