I guess I'm going through my usual pre-Christmas Blues, only they seem to be more severe this year. Maybe because there has been so much happening in our family this year. Anyway, it's times like this where I miss my son even more. I know he's been gone for 14 years but the pain remains forever. I go into a state of imagining what might have been.... Would he have had children? I can only imagine. What kind of relationship would he have with his nieces & nephews. I can only imagine. Would he go out hunting with Allan? Would he still love to schnuffle his nose in the girls hair? (He used to do that to little girls.) I know he would adore Andrew. I feel like they got robbed. They never had a chance to meet their uncle. I hurt for Shelley. He was her only brother. I think about all the families who have been bereaved this year. All the families of soldiers killed in the wars. I hurt for my great nieces. Their mother passed away in November. My very close girlfriend who lost her husband this year. The list goes on and on.....
I need to focus more on the real meaning of Christmas. It's only because of the birth of Jesus that all this sadness will one day end. I also know this dark cloud will pass and maybe tomorrow I will see the sun again. I WILL enjoy Christmas with my family!