Have you ever given your spouse advice that he refused to heed? This happened to me about a week ago. We were on our way to a Christmas Party and of course, had to stop to wash the car. The weather was the coldest day we've had so far this winter and I tried to tell my husband that maybe it wasn't such a good idea. But of course, my suggestion went unheeded. Lo and behold after the party I convinced him to start the car while I waited in the lobby of the hotel. To my horror, I watched as he tried to open every door and finally after much difficulty managed to get the rear door open. The next thing I saw was this strange woman climbing into the back of the car and over the seat to the front. At this point I thought it might be best if I made my appearance. I ran out there and by now this "lady" was straddled across the front seat with her feet against the door pushing like a woman in labor and my husband on the outside pulling as though he were in a tractor pull. Quite the sight! I finally convinced this dear, helpful lady that I would just climb over the seat and drive home. Nevertheless, by now the interior lights in the car were on and there was no way of turning them off. There I am driving down Pembina with everyone driving by, seeing me with my husband, who by now was hung up over the passenger front seat, trying to get to the front seat. (I'm thankful we didn't pass a cop or we would have been stopped for a breathalizer for sure!) I guess this was not the best time to say "I Told You So Dear"! Anyway, such is Life!